Lewis Land Group to walk 30 million steps and donate $50,000 to charity


Monday, 6 September 2021
Lewis Land Group steps up for Cerebal Palsy
In an effort to combat lockdown blues for its NSW based teams and raise money and awareness for an important cause, Australia’s oldest private property developer, Lewis Land Group, has joined STEPtember with a goal of each employee completing 10,000 steps per day.
As part of the team challenge, five of Lewis Land Group’s NSW business units will participate, including The Fiddler, Camden Valley Inn, Mercure Rouse Hill, Sovereign Hills and the Group’s Corporate Head Office.
If the five business units achieve their goal (an overall 30,000,000 steps for the month), The Lewis Foundation has committed to donating $50,000 to STEPtember in support of people living with cerebral palsy.
The initiative continues the Group’s focus on supporting community and philanthropic programs over the course of this challenging time, as well as prioritising the mental health and overall wellbeing of its people.
“With our NSW teams approaching the eleventh week of lockdown, its inevitable that spirits will be stretched. And so to help our teams engage in healthy competition, contribute to a great cause and have some fun, we thought a team challenge in aid of charity would be well-received” said Matthew McCarron, CEO of Lewis Land Group.
“To date, more than 100 team members have signed up for STEPtember. We’re most looking forward to lifting our employees’ spirits by helping them get active whilst helping the community.”
Lewis Land Group also recently soft-launched its first mental health and wellbeing program for its staff, called Mind + Body + Soul.
The program aims at improving the wellbeing of staff particularly during lockdown, via a range of initiatives including online training courses, access to meditation and yoga resources, healthy hampers and gifts, virtual team bonding and more. STEPtember is one of the initiatives to help launch this new program.
“Most of our NSW staff are working from home and some are juggling homeschooling. We’re hoping that, whilst raising money for Australians living with cerebral palsy, STEPtember will encourage our staff – and their families – to get out and about” said Mr McCarron.
“Our new Mind + Body + Soul program is a reflection of the Group’s focus on the wellbeing of our people and we are looking forward to continuing this program throughout lockdown and beyond.”
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